I think that organization, precision, and clear directions are the keys for using search tools in libraries. School librarians must really be able to identify the search habits of their students, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide useful suggestions and search strategies to combat wasted time and energy studetns and teachers use to search aimlessly for information on the Internet. I have seen many successful teachers create and publish web portals, through their school websites, that capture the essence of effective research using search engines and other web based tools. For a better understanding of web portals, visit this page at Microsoft for a brief look at the benefits of web portals. http://www.microsoft.com/education/solutions/k12portals.aspx
The positive components that a well constructed page could offer might increase teacher and student search strategies and their abilities to effectivley and swiftly locate information within the school's databases, library catalogue, Online reference sources, and teacher created web pages.
I looked for a couple great web portals using the search terms 'web portals + schools' and here's a couple good ones I found...
and another one I was aware of but did not find on the search engine
This one does not look too flashy, but it is organized and laid out well.
I think we all should a big professional development day and make our own web portals. If only web portals involved Toby McGuire as Spider Man, so many more schoosl librarians and other staffers would be really interested.
This blog will explore some of my experiences as an LIS grad student at the University of Buffalo.
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