Since this new semester of graduate school for LIS began, I have been listening to education podcasts from National Public Radio. I think NPR tries harder than most news sources to provide well researched and balanced interviews and stories. The pieces on education it has done within the last year range from topics such as restructuring teaching programs for teachers, repayment of student loans, using weblogs as an instructional tools and web 2.0 technology. The segments are often relevant and timely. I was quite surprised, however, to hear a story from a January news cast that highlighted the efforts school staffers to ban chocolate milk from schools. The interviewer visited a school and spoke staff members and students about how they felt about having chocolate milk removed for its high sugar content and replacing it with organic milk. I think this is ridiculous. All the schools in the city where I live, nine total for grades K - 12, have eliminated soda and candy bars from vending machines. Many snacks are still sold in school stores and in the cafeteria, including high suger juice drinks, ice cream desserts, and french fries. I do not think that taking chocolate mild out of schools will solve health issues for school age children. Maybe looking at district wide recipes and food policies would be a better start. When I substitute teach and buy a lunch, I always grab a lowfat chocolate milk with my lunch. It's still milk, despite having a little more sugar in it. Check out this website to keep chocolate milk in school cafeterias. Maybe this will raise awareness for the growing demand for all around healthier food options in all schools.
This blog will explore some of my experiences as an LIS grad student at the University of Buffalo.
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