By the age of 22 I had a BA in history, a minor in African American studies, and I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I worked hard to achieve a BA in social studies education and became a licensed teacher in 2007. I graduated with honors and high hopes, but I am still not working as a full time teacher. I love learning, it runs hot and fast in my veins, but I would first and foremost like to be gainfully employed as a librarian. I will have my MLS this December from the University of Buffalo and will shortly thereafter have my permanent teaching license for school libraries, grades K - 12. For 9 years all I've done is to do well in school, land the man of my dreams, manage a full time serving job and still have time for community service work...yet, I'll always be this way. I am driven to be a public servant (aka school librarian) because I crave knowledge and information; teaching it, sharing it, manipulating it, and learning how new technologies can further its progress. I didn't get my first e-mail until I was a freshmen in college. I taught my mother how to send e-mail after I graduated from college (she was stubborn, but eventually saw its usefulness).
I bring my passion and knowledge into the library and classroom, even if it can be exhausting. Why? Because it's worth. If you're not hungry to learn, you shouldn't be a teacher, and you definitely shouldn't be a librarian. In the future, it see libraries as a active force in our lives, racing towards the information and technology horizon as a leader, coach, and exhibitionists of new technology and information processes. As a dedicated life long learner, I hope to be on that ship, sailing at the forefront of the horizon.
This blog will explore some of my experiences as an LIS grad student at the University of Buffalo.
I completely agree with your statement that "if you're not hungry to learn, you shouldn't be a teacher, and you definitely shouldn't be a librarian" among other points you made. That really stuck out to me because I've recognized in the past that the best librarians and teachers I've known share that desire for learning and knowledge. It's disheartening to me when they don't have that characteristic. I also wanted to comment on your previous blog. I thought it was great that you acknowledged both your weaknesses and strengths. So often we just tell one or the other, usually weaknesses unfortunately, that it refreshing that you are also able to give yourself a pat on the back for what you are good and have achieved.